Sunday, August 3, 2008

Tricks You Can Try Getting Baby To Sleep

It is very difficult to manage an infant especially when you are a first-time mother. You don’t understand how to tackle all the daily tasks associated with your baby- you are baffled while bathing him, caring him, feeding him. But the trickiest part is to make your kid sleep. You are all jaded when the time comes to get him sleep. The first and foremost way to make him sleep is to get him adapt himself to good sleeping habits. It is difficult for the infants to adapt themselves to an ambiance that is so different from his mother’s peaceful womb. It takes time to get habituated with this world. When he finally does, he sleeps comfortably and also gives you comfort.

There are different opinions about how to make the baby sleep. However there is no single highly effective tip to do that. But you must try out several ways to see what suits your baby best. You have to make your baby transition between his sleep and his wakefulness. If he finds this himself, he will fall asleep without aids from you. He is creating a timetable of falling asleep. The tips given below can help you to determine the best way possible to make your baby to feel transition. However, the best way out there is to rely on your intuitions.

Fathering down is a wonderful way. Fathering down is referred to the one when dad is around just before he is going to bed. Let dad cradle his child. The child’s head should rest on dad’s neck. While nurturing the baby thus, the father must talk to him in a soothing tone. Since the male voice pitch is deeper than the female’s, dad’s voice would be best for the kid to soothe him to fall asleep.

An option that has come up recently is ‘driving down’. It instructs to put the kid in his car seat and driving round for a short time, till he dozes off. But this method is inconvenient, spending the petrol. But if your baby doesn’t adapt to any other methods, you can try this one. It is observed that this is a very effective tip.

Even if these methods call for success, you are unable or rather are reluctant to drive around each night just to make your baby sleep. But you can go for them as these techniques basically make the baby learn the feel of dozing off. Once the baby gets habituated, you can get out of these drastic methods. You can later on replace driving car with rocking the baby in bassinet. The basic thing is to make the baby apprehend to transition into sleep. So you need to be a bit patient because you can’t expect your child to learn that all of a sudden.

About The Author

Opal Victoria is a mother and home owner. See more of her articles at

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Baby Sleep Tips - The Ferber Method

One of the most important things in getting you baby to sleep properly is for your baby to learn to sleep on his or her own. The reason it is so difficult for many parents - why parents of a newborn suffer from so many sleepless nights - is because your baby, at first, isn't used to sleeping on his own, and when he wakes up in the night he cries for his mother: being in the presence of his mother is only way he knows how to get to sleep. It is natural that this transition from sleeping with the mother, to sleeping on his own, will take some time for your baby. Many baby sleep tips involve setting up a strict nighttime routine, and introducing objects - such as stuffed animals - into the bed that your baby can associate with sleep. If you find after some months that your baby is still not able to sleep on his own, you can try what is known as the Ferber method.

Invented by Dr. Richard Ferber, the Ferber method is the most common way of weaning your child away from the mother, in terms of his sleep habits. It is usually successful within a couple of weeks. Nevertheless, it is important that you choose a week where you can afford to lose some sleep to begin the Ferber method. Especially at the beginning of the process, the Ferber method does require that you spend a lot of time listening to your baby crying, and if you attempt it at a time when you are desperate to sleep, you run the risk of breaking down and allowing your child to sleep with you, or sleeping in the room with him. If you do so you risk undoing a lot of work that you will have put into the method.

The first night you attempt the Ferber method, put your child to bed as you normally do. Your baby should be tired but still awake when you put him to bed, so that he is left to fall asleep on his own. After you leave the room, the baby will inevitably start crying. Allow him to cry for about 5 minutes, then re-enter the room to console him. It's important that you stay in the room for only a short time - even if he is still crying - and that you don't pick him up or rock him. This second time you leave the room, wait 10 minutes before returning in the same manner. The third time wait 15 minutes, and set this as a maximum wait time for the rest of the night.

Every time thereafter, enter the room briefly and then allow your child to cry for 15 minutes. Eventually, he will fall asleep on his own during one of the 15 minute intervals in which you are out of the room. The second night, you should begin with a 10 minute wait before re-entering the room, followed by 15 and then 20 minutes. In a similar fashion, increase your initial and subsequent wait times by 5 minutes each night.

Using this method your child will soon learn to go to sleep on his own. Although it can be difficult to listen to your baby cry, understand that the Ferber method is a safe and effective way of getting your baby to learn to sleep on his own.

About The Author

Brandon C. Hall maintains ( which contains many articles and resources on baby sleep tips at ( There is also information on dozens of other topics.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Caring For Baby's Clothes

New parents are full of concerns about what regular household activities may pose a threat or present problems for their newest family member. At some point the question about the best ways to wash baby clothing will arise. Parents typically ask whether there is a certain type off detergent that they should use, whether it is safe to wash baby clothes with the rest of the family's clothing and what special steps should be taken with cloth diapers if they are being used.


This is a valid concern. It is not atypical for certain detergents to irritate the skin of adults and older children, so it is certainly feasible that a baby's tender and sensitive skin can be easily irritated by harsh detergents. There are several detergents on the market that are supposedly intended for baby's clothing, but there is not much difference between them and other mild detergents. The best choice for parents to make in this area is to purchase mild detergent that is free from added colors and fragrances and wash the clothing in that. If the baby does develop a rash or seems to be experiencing skin discomfort of any kind, the first thing to do is consult the family pediatrician. The doctor may simply recommend that a different detergent be used, but will also be able to determine if there is a more serious problem.

Washing Baby Clothes with Family Clothes

Some parents feel that the baby's clothing needs to be washed separately from that of the rest of the family. The rationale for this is that the other family members' clothing could somehow taint or contaminate the baby's. There is no reason to worry about this and it is perfectly safe to wash baby's clothes and bedding along with everyone else's. The exception to this rule is cloth diapers. If parents are using cloth diapers and washing them at home rather than using a diaper service, they must be washed apart from everything else.

Cloth Diapers

Cloth diapers are fading into memory, replaced by the more convenient disposable brands that are on the market. For families that choose to use these, however, there are some special considerations. The most sanitary way to utilize reusable cloth diapers is to contract a diaper service. This will take away the hassle of washing the diapers at home and ensure that the replacement diapers are sterile. For families that choose to wash at home, the previous paragraph details that they should be kept separate from all other laundry. Storing the diapers until wash time must be done as sanitarily as possible. This means rinsing the cloth diaper in the toilet to remove solid wastes, then storing it in a pail until it is time to be washed. The pail should be covered to prevent odor and lined with a disposable or washable liner. The pail, lid, and liner should be cleaned whenever the diapers are and the soiled diapers should be washed at least twice weekly.

About The Author

Mike Cliff